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acme.sh is a pure Unix shell script implementing Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) client protocol.

Let's Encrypt is a nonprofit Certificate Authority (CA) providing Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates for free that must be renewed every 90 days.

acme.sh issues and automatically renews a Let's Encrypt certificate. This is a solution for shared web hosting accounts using cPanel where the Let's Encrypt Plugin is not available.


GoDaddy using Terminal

  1. Sign In
  2. Under Web Hosting, click mydomain.com
  3. Under Settings, click Server
  4. After SSH access, click Manage
  5. After SSH access, click On
  6. Close SSH Setup
  7. Click cPanel Admin
  8. Under ADVANCED, click Terminal
  9. Click I understand and want to proceed.
  10. Install acme.sh
  11. curl https://get.acme.sh | sh
  12. Issue certificate
  13. acme.sh --issue --webroot ~/public_html --domain mydomain.com
  14. Deploy certificate
  15. acme.sh --deploy --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi --domain mydomain.com
  16. Sign Out

GoDaddy using PuTTY


  1. Sign In
  2. Under Web Hosting, click mydomain.com
  3. Under Settings, click Server
  4. After SSH access, click Manage
  5. After SSH access, click On
  6. Copy and save IP address
  7. Copy and save Port
  8. Copy and save cPanel Username
  9. Copy and save cPanel Password
  10. Close SSH Setup
  11. Sign Out


  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Open
  4. Under Category:, click Session
  5. Under Host Name (or IP address), enter IP address
  6. Under Port, enter Port
  7. Under Connection type:, select SSH
  8. Click Open
  9. Click No
  10. After login as:, enter cPanel Username
  11. After password:, enter cPanel Password
  12. Install acme.sh
  13. curl https://get.acme.sh | sh
  14. Issue certificate
  15. acme.sh --issue --webroot ~/public_html --domain mydomain.com
  16. Deploy certificate
  17. acme.sh --deploy --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi --domain mydomain.com
  18. Exit
  19. exit



acme.sh Commands

acme.sh Deploy

acme.sh Guide


cPanel Let's Encrypt Plugin


Let's Encrypt