The draggable attribute for HTML is an enumerated attribute. It has three states. The first state is true and it has the keyword true. The second state is false and it has the keyword false. The third state is auto; it has no keywords but it is the missing value default.
Value | Description |
false | not draggable |
true | draggable |
1 · auto
2 · false
3 · true
- abbr
- accept
- accept-charset
- accesskey
- action
- alt
- as
- async
- autocapitalize
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- autoplay
- blocking
- charset
- checked
- cite
- class
- color
- cols
- colspan
- contenteditable
- controls
- coords
- crossorigin
- data
- datetime
- decoding
- default
- defer
- dir
- dirname
- disabled
- download
- enctype
- enterkeyhint
- exportparts
- fetchpriority
- for
- form
- formaction
- formenctype
- formmethod
- formnovalidate
- formtarget
- headers
- height
- hidden
- high
- href
- hreflang
- http-equiv
- id
- imagesizes
- imagesrcset
- inert
- inputmode
- integrity
- is
- ismap
- itemid
- itemprop
- itemref
- itemscope
- itemtype
- kind
- label
- lang
- list
- loading
- loop
- low
- max
- maxlength
- media
- method
- min
- minlength
- multiple
- muted
- name
- nomodule
- nonce
- novalidate
- onabort
- onafterprint
- onauxclick
- onbeforeinput
- onbeforeprint
- onbeforetoggle
- onbeforeunload
- onblur
- oncancel
- oncanplay
- oncanplaythrough
- onchange
- onclick
- oncontextlost
- oncontextmenu
- oncontextrestored
- oncopy
- oncut
- ondblclick
- ondrag
- ondragend
- ondragenter
- ondragleave
- ondragover
- ondragstart
- ondrop
- ondurationchange
- onended
- onfocus
- onformdata
- onhashchange
- oninput
- oninvalid
- onkeydown
- onkeypress
- onkeyup
- onlanguagechange
- onload
- onloadeddata
- onloadedmetadata
- onloadstart
- onmousedown
- onmouseenter
- onmouseleave
- onmousemove
- onmouseout
- onmouseover
- onmouseup
- onmousewheel
- onoffline
- ononline
- onpagehide
- onpageshow
- onpaste
- onpause
- onplay
- onplaying
- onprogress
- onratechange
- onreset
- onresize
- onscroll
- onscrollend
- onsearch
- onseeked
- onseeking
- onselect
- onstorage
- onsubmit
- onsuspend
- ontimeupdate
- ontoggle
- onunload
- onvolumechange
- onwaiting
- onwheel
- open
- optimum
- part
- pattern
- ping
- placeholder
- playsinline
- popover
- popovertarget
- popovertargetaction
- poster
- preload
- readonly
- referrerpolicy
- rel
- required
- reversed
- rows
- rowspan
- sandbox
- scope
- selected
- shape
- size
- sizes
- slot
- span
- spellcheck
- src
- srcdoc
- srclang
- srcset
- start
- step
- style
- tabindex
- target
- title
- translate
- type
- usemap
- value
- width
- wrap