The CustomEvent of CustomEvent for JS works analogously to the constructor for Event except that the eventInitDict argument now allows for setting the detail attribute too.
event = new CustomEvent(type [, eventInitDict]) Allows setting the bubbles, cancelable, composed, and detail attributes.
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event;
const type = "mouseover";
const event = new CustomEvent(type);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.bubbles;
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
bubbles: true
const event = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.cancelable;
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
cancelable: true
const event = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.composed;
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
composed: true
const event = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.detail;
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
mydetail1: true,
mydetail2: "text"
const event = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);
<!doctype html>
function myfunction(event)
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = "bubbles: " + event.bubbles
+ "<br>cancelable: " + event.cancelable
+ "<br>composed: " + event.composed
+ "<br>detail: " + event.detail;
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
mydetail1: true,
mydetail2: "text"
const event = new CustomEvent(type, eventInitDict);
document.addEventListener(type, myfunction);