The Event of Event for JS returns a new event whose type attribute value is set to type. The eventInitDict argument allows for setting the bubbles, cancelable, and composed attributes via object members of the same name.
event = new Event(type [, eventInitDict]) Allows setting the bubbles, cancelable, and composed attributes.
<!doctype html>
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
const event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event;
<!doctype html>
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
bubbles: true
const event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.bubbles;
<!doctype html>
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
cancelable: true
const event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.cancelable;
<!doctype html>
const type = "mytype";
const eventInitDict =
composed: true
const event = new Event(type, eventInitDict);
document.querySelector("output").innerHTML = event.composed;
</html> © 2025 Osbo Design