The image element for SVG specifies that the contents of a complete file are to be rendered into a given rectangle within the current user coordinate system.
Specifies how crossorigin requests are handled.
[ anonymous | use-credentials ]? Specifies the height of the element.
auto | <length-percentage> Specifies a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) reference to the element.
Specifies whether or not to force uniform scaling.
Specifies the width of the element.
auto | <length-percentage> Specifies the x-coordinate of the element.
Specifies the y-coordinate of the element.
<svg xmlns="">
<image crossorigin="use-credentials" href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image height="100" href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<image height="100%" href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image height="100%" href="/assets/png/Happy.png" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" width="100%"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image height="100%" href="/assets/png/Happy.png" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" width="100%"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" width="100"/>
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" width="100%"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" x="50"/>
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" x="50%"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" y="50"/>
<image href="/assets/svg/Happy100.svg" y="50%"/>