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The filter property for CSS specifies the filter of the element.



filter: value;


object.style.filter = "value";


<'filter'> = none | <filter-value-list>

No filter effect is applied.

<filter-value-list> = [ <filter-function> | <url> ]+
<filter-function> = <blur()> | <brightness()> | <contrast()> | <drop-shadow()> | <grayscale()> | <hue-rotate()> | <invert()> | <opacity()> | <sepia()> | <saturate()>
<blur()> = blur( <length>? )

Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image.


Specifies the length using a number followed by a unit of measurement.

<brightness()> = brightness( <number-percentage>? )

Applies a linear multiplier to input image, making it appear more or less bright.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<contrast()> = contrast( <number-percentage>? )

Adjusts the contrast of the input.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<drop-shadow()> = drop-shadow( <color>? && <length>{2,3} )

Applies a drop shadow effect to the input image.


Specifies the color using a keyword or a numerical specification.


Specifies the length using a number followed by a unit of measurement.

<grayscale()> = grayscale( <number-percentage>? )

Converts the input image to grayscale.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<hue-rotate()> = hue-rotate( [ <angle> | <zero> ]? )

Applies a hue rotation on the input image.


Degrees. There are 360 degrees in a full circle.


Gradians, also known as "gons" or "grades". There are 400 gradians in a full circle.


Radians. There are 2p radians in a full circle.


Turns. There is 1 turn in a full circle.


Represents a literal number with the value 0.

<invert()> = invert( <number-percentage>? )

Inverts the samples in the input image.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<opacity()> = opacity( <number-percentage>? )

Applies transparency to the samples in the input image.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<sepia()> = sepia( <number-percentage>? )

Converts the input image to sepia.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<saturate()> = saturate( <number-percentage>? )

Saturates the input image.

<number-percentage> = [ <number> | <percentage> ]

An integer or zero or more decimal digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more decimal digits. The first character may be preceded by a sign (- or +). The last character may be succeeded by an exponent (e or E) and an integer.


Specifies the percentage using a number followed by a percent sign (%).

<url> = url( <string> <url-modifier>* )

Specifies a sequence of characters delimited by double quotes (") or single quotes (').


Changes the meaning or the interpretation of the URL.




1 · blur

2 · brightness

3 · contrast

4 · drop-shadow

5 · grayscale

6 · hue-rotate

7 · invert

8 · none

9 · opacity

10 · saturate

11 · sepia

12 · url

13 · JS