The local-link pseudo-class for CSS allows authors to style hyperlinks based on the users current location within a site.
It represents an element that is the source anchor of a hyperlink whose target's absolute URL matches the element's own document URL. If the hyperlink's target includes a fragment URL, then the fragment URL of the current URL must also match; if it does not, then the fragment URL portion of the current URL is not taken into account in the comparison.
selector:local-link { property: value; }
1 · CSS
2 · JS
- active
- any-link
- autofill
- blank
- checked
- default
- defined
- dir
- disabled
- empty
- enabled
- first-child
- first-of-type
- focus
- focus-visible
- focus-within
- fullscreen
- has
- hover
- in-range
- indeterminate
- invalid
- is
- lang
- last-child
- last-of-type
- link
- modal
- not
- nth-child
- nth-col
- nth-last-child
- nth-last-col
- nth-last-of-type
- nth-of-type
- only-child
- only-of-type
- optional
- out-of-range
- picture-in-picture
- placeholder-shown
- popover-open
- read-only
- read-write
- required
- root
- scope
- target
- valid
- visited
- where