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The inputmode attribute for HTML is an enumerated attribute that specifies what kind of input mechanism would be most helpful for users entering content.


decimalThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of fractional numeric input. Numeric keys and the format separator for the locale should be shown.
emailThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of text input in the user's locale, with keys for aiding in the input of e-mail addresses, such as that for the "@" character and the "." character.
noneThe user agent should not display a virtual keyboard. This keyword is useful for content that renders its own keyboard control.
numericThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of numeric input. This keyword is useful for PIN entry.
searchThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard optimized for search.
telThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of telephone number input. This should including keys for the digits 0 to 9, the "#" character, and the "*" character. In some locales, this can also include alphabetic mnemonic labels (e.g., in the US, the key labeled "2" is historically also labeled with the letters A, B, and C).
textThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of text input in the user's locale.
urlThe user agent should display a virtual keyboard capable of text input in the user's locale, with keys for aiding in the input of URLs, such as that for the "/" and "." characters and for quick input of strings commonly found in domain names such as "www." or ".com".


1 · decimal

2 · email

3 · none

4 · numeric

6 · tel

7 · text

8 · url