The mb_convert_encoding of Multibyte String for PHP convert a string from one character encoding to another.
mb_convert_encoding( array|string $string, string $to_encoding, array|string|null $from_encoding = null ): array|string|false
The string or array to be converted.
The desired encoding of the result.
The current encoding used to interpret string. Multiple encodings may be specified as an array or comma separated list, in which case the correct encoding will be guessed using the same algorithm as mb_detect_encoding().
If from_encoding is omitted or null, the mbstring.internal_encoding setting will be used if set, otherwise the default_charset setting.
The encoded string or array on success, or false on failure.
1 · string · array to_encoding
<? $string = ["🐘", "🐘"]; $to_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $return = mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding); print_r($return);
Array ( [0] => 🐘 [1] => 🐘 )
2 · string · string to_encoding
<? $string = "🐘"; $to_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $return = mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding); echo $return;
3 · from_encoding · array
<? $string = "🐘"; $to_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $from_encoding = ['auto', 'ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1']; $return = mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding); echo $return;
4 · from_encoding · string
<? $string = "🐘"; $to_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $from_encoding = 'auto, ASCII, ISO-8859-1'; $return = mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding); echo $return;
5 · from_encoding · null
<? $string = "🐘"; $to_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $from_encoding = null; $return = mb_convert_encoding($string, $to_encoding, $from_encoding); echo $return;
Multibyte String
- mb_check_encoding
- mb_chr
- mb_convert_case
- mb_convert_kana
- mb_convert_variables
- mb_decode_mimeheader
- mb_decode_numericentity
- mb_detect_encoding
- mb_detect_order
- mb_encode_mimeheader
- mb_encode_numericentity
- mb_encoding_aliases
- mb_ereg
- mb_ereg_match
- mb_ereg_replace
- mb_ereg_replace_callback
- mb_ereg_search
- mb_ereg_search_getpos
- mb_ereg_search_getregs
- mb_ereg_search_init
- mb_ereg_search_pos
- mb_ereg_search_regs
- mb_ereg_search_setpos
- mb_eregi
- mb_eregi_replace
- mb_get_info
- mb_http_input
- mb_http_output
- mb_internal_encoding
- mb_language
- mb_lcfirst
- mb_list_encodings
- mb_ltrim
- mb_ord
- mb_output_handler
- mb_parse_str
- mb_preferred_mime_name
- mb_regex_encoding
- mb_regex_set_options
- mb_rtrim
- mb_scrub
- mb_send_mail
- mb_split
- mb_str_pad
- mb_str_split
- mb_strcut
- mb_strimwidth
- mb_stripos
- mb_stristr
- mb_strlen
- mb_strpos
- mb_strrchr
- mb_strrichr
- mb_strripos
- mb_strrpos
- mb_strstr
- mb_strtolower
- mb_strtoupper
- mb_strwidth
- mb_substitute_character
- mb_substr
- mb_substr_count
- mb_trim
- mb_ucfirst