The assert of Options / Information for PHP checks if assertion is false.
assert(mixed $assertion, string $description = ?): bool
assert(mixed $assertion, Throwable $exception = ?): bool
The assertion.
In PHP 5, this must be either a string to be evaluated or a bool to be tested.
In PHP 7, this may also be any expression that returns a value, which will be executed and the result used to indicate whether the assertion succeeded or failed.
Warning Using string as the assertion is DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 8.0.0.
An optional description that will be included in the failure message if the assertion fails.
From PHP 7, if no description is provided, a default description equal to the source code for the invocation of assert() is provided.
In PHP 7, the second parameter can be a Throwable object instead of a descriptive string, in which case this is the object that will be thrown if the assertion fails and the assert.exception configuration directive is enabled.
false if the assertion is false, true otherwise.
1 · assertion
<? $assertion = true == false; $return = assert($assertion); var_export($return); ?>
2 · description
<? $assertion = true == false; $description = 'true is false'; $return = assert($assertion, $desctiption); var_export($return); ?>
3 · exception
<? class MyClass extends AssertionError{} $assertion = true == false; $exception = new MyClass('true is false'); $return = assert($assertion, $exception); var_export($return); ?>
Options / Information
- assert_options
- cli_get_process_title
- cli_set_process_title
- dl
- extension_loaded
- gc_collect_cycles
- gc_disable
- gc_enable
- gc_enabled
- gc_mem_caches
- gc_status
- get_cfg_var
- get_current_user
- get_defined_constants
- get_extension_funcs
- get_include_path
- get_included_files
- get_loaded_extensions
- get_required_files
- get_resources
- getenv
- getlastmod
- getmygid
- getmyinode
- getmypid
- getmyuid
- getopt
- getrusage
- ini_alter
- ini_get
- ini_get_all
- ini_parse_quantity
- ini_restore
- ini_set
- memory_get_peak_usage
- memory_get_usage
- memory_reset_peak_usage
- php_ini_loaded_file
- php_ini_scanned_files
- php_sapi_name
- php_uname
- phpcredits
- phpinfo
- phpversion
- putenv
- set_include_path
- set_time_limit
- sys_get_temp_dir
- version_compare
- zend_thread_id
- zend_version