The php_ini_scanned_files of Options / Information for PHP return a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dir.
php_ini_scanned_files(): string|false
Returns a comma-separated string of .ini files on success. Each comma is followed by a newline. If the configure directive --with-config-file-scan-dir wasn't set and the PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR environment variable isn't set, false is returned. If it was set and the directory was empty, an empty string is returned. If a file is unrecognizable, the file will still make it into the returned string but a PHP error will also result. This PHP error will be seen both at compile time and while using php_ini_scanned_files().
1 · void
<? $return = php_ini_scanned_files(); echo $return;
Options / Information
- assert
- assert_options
- cli_get_process_title
- cli_set_process_title
- dl
- extension_loaded
- gc_collect_cycles
- gc_disable
- gc_enable
- gc_enabled
- gc_mem_caches
- gc_status
- get_cfg_var
- get_current_user
- get_defined_constants
- get_extension_funcs
- get_include_path
- get_included_files
- get_loaded_extensions
- get_required_files
- get_resources
- getenv
- getlastmod
- getmygid
- getmyinode
- getmypid
- getmyuid
- getopt
- getrusage
- ini_alter
- ini_get
- ini_get_all
- ini_parse_quantity
- ini_restore
- ini_set
- memory_get_peak_usage
- memory_get_usage
- memory_reset_peak_usage
- php_ini_loaded_file
- php_sapi_name
- php_uname
- phpcredits
- phpinfo
- phpversion
- putenv
- set_include_path
- set_time_limit
- sys_get_temp_dir
- version_compare
- zend_thread_id
- zend_version