vsprintf ( string $format , array $args ) : string
The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (excluding %) that are copied directly to the result and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching its own parameter.
A conversion specification follows this prototype: %[argnum$][flags][width][.precision]specifier.
An integer followed by a dollar sign $, to specify which number argument to treat in the conversion.
Flag | Description |
- | Left-justify within the given field width; Right justification is the default |
+ | Prefix positive numbers with a plus sign +; Default only negative are prefixed with a negative sign. |
(space) | Pads the result with spaces. This is the default. |
0 | Only left-pads numbers with zeros. With s specifiers this can also right-pad with zeros. |
'(char) | Pads the result with the character (char). |
An integer that says how many characters (minimum) this conversion should result in.
A period . followed by an integer who's meaning depends on the specifier:
For e, E, f and F specifiers: this is the number of digits to be printed after the decimal point (by default, this is 6).
For g and G specifiers: this is the maximum number of significant digits to be printed.
For s specifier: it acts as a cutoff point, setting a maximum character limit to the string.
Note: If the period is specified without an explicit value for precision, 0 is assumed.
Note: Attempting to use a position specifier greater than PHP_INT_MAX will generate warnings.
Specifier | Description |
% | A literal percent character. No argument is required. |
b | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as a binary number. |
c | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as the character with that ASCII. |
d | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as a (signed) decimal number. |
e | The argument is treated as scientific notation (e.g. 1.2e+2). The precision specifier stands for the number of digits after the decimal point since PHP 5.2.1. In earlier versions, it was taken as number of significant digits (one less). |
E | Like the e specifier but uses uppercase letter (e.g. 1.2E+2). |
f | The argument is treated as a float and presented as a floating-point number (locale aware). |
F | The argument is treated as a float and presented as a floating-point number (non-locale aware). |
g | General format. Let P equal the precision if nonzero, 6 if the precision is omitted, or 1 if the precision is zero. Then, if a conversion with style E would have an exponent of X: If P > X ≥ −4, the conversion is with style f and precision P − (X + 1). Otherwise, the conversion is with style e and precision P − 1. |
G | Like the g specifier but uses E and f. |
o | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as an octal number. |
s | The argument is treated and presented as a string. |
u | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as an unsigned decimal number. |
x | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with lowercase letters). |
X | The argument is treated as an integer and presented as a hexadecimal number (with uppercase letters). |
Warning: The c type specifier ignores padding and width
Warning: Attempting to use a combination of the string and width specifiers with character sets that require more than one byte per character may result in unexpected results
Variables will be co-erced to a suitable type for the specifier:
Type | Specifiers |
string | s |
integer | d, u, c, o, x, X, b |
double | g, G, e, E, f, F |
Return array values as a formatted string according to format, or FALSE on failure.
<? $year = date("Y"); $month = date("m"); $day = date("d"); $format = "%04d-%02d-%02d"; $args = array($year, $month, $day); $return = vsprintf($format, $args); echo $return;
- addcslashes
- addslashes
- bin2hex
- chop
- chr
- chunk_split
- convert_uudecode
- convert_uuencode
- count_chars
- crc32
- crypt
- echo
- explode
- fprintf
- get_html_translation_table
- hebrev
- hebrevc
- hex2bin
- html_entity_decode
- htmlentities
- htmlspecialchars
- htmlspecialchars_decode
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- join
- lcfirst
- levenshtein
- localeconv
- ltrim
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- md5_file
- metaphone
- nl_langinfo
- nl2br
- number_format
- ord
- parse_str
- printf
- quoted_printable_decode
- quoted_printable_encode
- quotemeta
- rtrim
- setlocale
- sha1
- sha1_file
- similar_text
- soundex
- sprintf
- sscanf
- str_contains
- str_decrement
- str_ends_with
- str_getcsv
- str_increment
- str_ireplace
- str_pad
- str_repeat
- str_replace
- str_rot13
- str_shuffle
- str_split
- str_starts_with
- str_word_count
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- strcmp
- strcoll
- strcspn
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- stripos
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- stristr
- strlen
- strnatcasecmp
- strnatcmp
- strncasecmp
- strncmp
- strpbrk
- strpos
- strrchr
- strrev
- strripos
- strrpos
- strspn
- strstr
- strtok
- strtolower
- strtoupper
- strtr
- substr
- substr_compare
- substr_count
- substr_replace
- trim
- ucfirst
- ucwords
- vfprintf
- vprintf
- wordwrap