The feTile element for SVG specifies a rectangle with a repeated, tiled pattern of an input image.
The rectangle is as large as the filter primitive subregion established by the feTile element.
Specifies the input for the filter primitive.
If no value is provided and this is the first filter primitive, then this filter primitive will use SourceGraphic as its input. If no value is provided and this is a subsequent filter primitive, then this filter primitive will use the result from the previous filter primitive as its input.
SourceGraphic | SourceAlpha | BackgroundImage | BackgroundAlpha | FillPaint | StrokePaint | <filter-primitive-reference> SourceGraphic (or result)
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="100%" in="BackgroundImage" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="100%" in="FillPaint" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="80%" result="myresult" width="80%" x="10%" y="10%"/>
<feTile height="100%" in="myresult" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="100%" in="SourceAlpha" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="100%" in="SourceGraphic" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="myid">
<feTile height="100%" in="StrokePaint" width="100%" x="0" y="0"/>
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" fill="#ff000080" filter="url(#myid)" r="25vh" stroke="#0000ff80" stroke-width="50"/>