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feBlend in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feBlend in2


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feColorMatrix in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feComponentTransfer in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feComposite in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feComposite in2


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feConvolveMatrix in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feDiffuseLighting in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feDisplacementMap in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feDisplacementMap in2


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feDropShadow in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feGaussianBlur in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feMergeNode in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feMorphology in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feOffset in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feSpecularLighting in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.




feTile in


The filter-primitive-reference value for SVG specifies an assigned name for the filter primitive.

If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.


